My name is Becky, and I wanted to start a blog. What this blog's main purpose is, is to spread good ideas that help make your home life better. I'm really starting this for selfish reasons. I'm surrounded by intelligent and talented cooks, and I want your recipes. I have friends who are into growing plants, making their own detergent, and their own cheese. I want to do that myself, without having to do all the heavy lifting in research that you've already done! But maybe I can benefit your lives too, add a little humor to your day, post a random recipe that you normally wouldn't think of. This should be a collaboration of intelligent minds, and me!
Please join me, and hopefully we'll all benefit from new ideas (insert gratuitous exclamation point here)!
Also, because the Internet doesn't have enough of this, here's my cat:
His name is Toby, but we call him "His Cuteness, the Toby"
or "Toby Tobleson Earl of Fluffiness"
Rick's Blog: Seasonal Baking
Our dinner tonight was Pomegranate Chicken Salad. (Adapted from Better Homes and Gardens Magazine, Nov 2009)
Oil Olive
1 Pomegranate
Some Chicken, In whatever form you cook with (adapt for how many mouths ye feed)
1 Cup Pomegranate Juice
2 Tablespoons Citrus-y Juice (Orange, Lemon, or Lime)
1 Red Onion
3 Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar
A Whole Bunch of Oregano (Or Basil)
Salt & Pepper to taste
Spinach, or a Mediterranean Mix of Greens
Your choice of Nuts, chopped, (Walnuts or almonds suggested)
*Epilogue* Prep your pomegranate by taking out the seeds. Prepare to blunder your way through. My kitchen looked like a small CSI scene with bright maroon splatters everywhere.
1. Heat olive oil in skillet.
2. Put the chicken in the skillet.
3. I put a lot of pepper and some dried onions in about now. I really don't know why.
5. Cook chicken, cut chicken.
7. Add oregano.
6. Add reds onions, pomegranate juice, citrus-y juice choice, and Red Wine Vinegar.
7. Let juices reduce in lower heat.
8. Toss in greens with pomegranate seeds, and nuts.
I'm thinking that feta cheese would taste good with this. What do you think?
I found that the pomegranate sauce had a subtle flavor. I believe the salt, and citrus-y juices will help bring out the sweetness and give it a more power packed flavor.
All this is missing is the greens, and possibly Feta Cheese. |
Becky, bloginator, blunderer, and alliterator extraordinaire
It was delicious!!!