Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It doesn’t get much easier than a Homemade Honey baked Ham!

After feeling pretty tired all day (my norm these days) my sweet husband took the kids for a walk so I could take a nap. I woke up at 6:15 thinking if I don’t get dinner on the table soon we won’t be eating until midnight. So tonight’s dinner was ham and potatoes and the longest part of the process is the potatoes.

The potatoes I am cooking are your standard casserole potatoes (also known in my book as funeral potatoes)
2 cans cream of chicken soup

8oz Sour cream (~1/2 normal container) – I use reduced fat but use whatever works for you!
Green onion (however much you like)

~ 8 oz cheddar cheese
1 bad shredded frozen hash browns (~2lb)

***(Can you see I am really not much of an exact measurer!!!)***
Throw the first 3 ingredients  into a pot and heat until warm and bubbly at that point add  ¾ of your cheese and let heat until it is all melted and incorporated! Slowly add the hash browns and stir them until all mixed together. After it looks like a delicious mess dump into a large casserole dish and spread around till even. Top this wonderfulness with the rest of your cheese and place in a pre heated 375° oven for about 45 minutes or until hot and bubbly and you don’t want to wait anymore!

That was the hard part! On to the Honey Baked Ham!!!
My husband always asks when I cut up ham if it is precooked! As a general rule of ham, if it is pink and smells like you would want to eat it already it is precooked! We generally will buy small loafs of Ham in the meat section of the Grocery store they typically are NOT precut and are in about 2 lb packages!

For the Ham you will need a HAM cut into pieces no thin then ¼ inch and really not thicker then ½ inch. Really what you want is them cut as even as you can managed just so they cook (warm through) evenly! The only other thing you need is Brown sugar and Honey!
Cut the ham and put in a baking dish! (I ended up using ¾ of my ham because I used a tiny baking dish) It is ok if they over lap a little but you don’t want them completely covering one another! When all the ham is in there sprinkle on some brown sugar for my small baking dish I used 3 Tablespoons. Then take your honey and lightly squeeze a drizzle all over your ham and brown sugar! Remember this is a light flavoring not a main star so go light on the sweeter stuff, I always find it easier to add then take away!

Stick it in the same oven your potatoes are working in let them go! They will be down about the same time. If you have small children or a picky husband who like his veggies then you could make a veggie and if you are a bread lover like me feel free to add some rolls or what not (roll recipe to com e in the future) But it is all delicious so ENJOY!

(Dinner working away in the oven)


  1. You know, I've never made a ham, but that sounds really reasonable! Also, those potatoes, I'm drooling as we speak... I want to go to there!
