Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Basil Chicken

I'm all about easy, and I really wasn't having any of this "Joy of Cooking" business.... so I stole this from a King Souper's Recipe:

Basil Pesto Chicken
Olive Oil
1/4 Cup parsely
1/4 Cup Basil Pesto
A Whole Bunch o' Chicken

In a bowl, combine oil, salt, pepper, onions, parsely, and basil pesto. You can marinade the chicken for 15 minutes. The recipe said to grill it, but I don't have a grill, so I cooked it in a skillet. I turn the oven on, put the marinade in the skillet, and when I heard it start to cook, I threw the chicken in, making sure that the marinade got everywhere. I cooked it on both sides, cut up the chicken into cubes, and then cooked it further until their was no pink, only green pesto everywhere. That sounds like an evil plot, "No pink! Only green pesto everywhere, forever!"

I wish I had a grill, but this works!

Presto! Chicken! And then I added a side salad. That I got in a bag. From the grocery store. Wala!

I love salads covered in Blue Cheese Dressing. It's the real deal.

Strange and random confession, whenever I get home from work, I'm hungry and I need to eat. I typically use the first 30 minutes of coming home for eating on a bowl of cereal on the couch. Yesterday's choice was Rice Krispies, and I had to eat 3 bowls because that's the Cerealic Table of Conversion:

3 Bowls of Rice Krispies = 1 Bowl of Corn Chex
1 Bowl of Frosted Flakes = Very Hungry Me by Lunch
1 Bowl of Cap N' Crunch = Sacked out on the couch for 4 hours after immense sugar crash

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